The Project Millennium Nucleus of Bioproducts, Genomics, and Environmental Microbiology (BioGEM) will lay the scientific foundations for developing new bioproducts based on native microorganisms and plant compounds. The main objective of BioGEM is the functional genomic characterization of native microorganisms and plant compounds for the generation of bioproducts that mitigate the effects of climate change in Chile, through sustainable development of agriculture, soil bioremediation, and human health.

BioGEM is led by six principal investigators from the Regions of Valparaíso and Region of La Araucanía from: the Universidad Técnico Federico Santa María, the Universidad de La Frontera, the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso and the Universidad de Valparaíso .

BioGEM's partnership plan, with the support of high-level researchers, is focused on becoming a reference center for the study of environmental microorganisms and developing solid scientific training to produce bioproducts required for sustainable technologies that support agricultural crops, bioremediation, and human health.