
Explore and Learn!

"MicroMatch!" is an educational card game designed for 2 to 4 players, created by the Millennium Nucleus for Bioproducts, Genomics, and Environmental Microbiology (BioGEM).

The goal of the game is to correctly match environmental bacteria with their biotechnological applications, promoting learning about the role of these microorganisms in science and the environment.

Developed by researchers from the Laboratory of Molecular Microbiology and Environmental Biotechnology (LaMMBA) and led by Dr. Michael Seeger, the game is available for free download and printing.

This initiative, funded by the Open Science Program of the Federico Santa María Technical University and supported by the Millennium Science Initiative Program of the National Agency for Research and Development of Chile (ANID in spanish), aims to bring science closer to the community in a fun and accessible way, highlighting the value of Chile's biological heritage.